Friday, September 30, 2011

lookin' ahead, no turnin' back

i keep a little notebook with me pretty much at all times. i go through phases where i put a lot down in it -- bits of ideas, scribbles of poems or prose, to do lists, sketches, song lyrics, whatever comes to mind, really -- and phases where i hardly touch it all.

last night, i was looking through my current book and realized it's been almost exactly a year since i started writing in it. i came across a list of things that i wanted to be sure and do. i'd put little boxes next to each item. i must have thought, back then, that it was a list i'd come back to again and again. only, as it turns out, i didn't. i wrote it and forgot it.

but as i looked through the list, i realized that i must have internalized the best parts of it. i wanted to make wheat paste posters (check), i wanted to do some sort of photobooth project (check) and i wanted to start collaborating with casey on video projects ... check: