Monday, June 29, 2009

extended viewing

from the bluffs. again.

from the bluffs. again. in a weird (cool?) hue.

i took a roll of holgaramas a week or so ago. this is the only one that worked. sort of. the hardest part here, is getting the sections to overlap just right. i have a lot of repeat in each frame. but it's still kinda interesting, i think. you can click on the pictures above to get a closer look.

this was also the first time i used my fancy new scanner, only to find out the fancy new scanner was fine for negatives, but couldn't do basic colored photos. damn. gotta send it back. oh well. i have one other scanned-in photo for your potential viewing pleasure.

view from a bridge and a building.

should have some new photos by wednesday -- shot with a new camera that i modified. and all by myself, no less.


cameratakesphotos June 29, 2009 at 11:51 AM  

Can't wait to see what the images from your modified hawkeye look like! Love the double exposed Portland shot too.